Saturday, August 13, 2011

Pinterest....heaven help me

So I think I like Pinterest.

Even though I'm not a homemaker. I'm not a wife. Shoot, I'm not even crafty.

But I like seeing other people's ideas, because I'm never creative enough to come up with my own.

My only issue(s) with Pinterest is that it is more time-consuming than facebook.

And sometimes I feel like it is just another way for us to covet other people's stuff. I was looking at all these things that I wanted for my future home, my clothes, places I wanted to go, ect. And I started to feel bad for coveting! Which has never really been a problem for me. So I'm not saying Pinterest is bad, I'm just saying, be careful that you don't spend all your time wishing for things you wish you could have, knowing you never will. Just be happy for the things you do have, and the things that you can achieve in the near future.

Okay, I'm done preaching!

Bottom line- Pinterest is fun. After an hour, it's enough. Haha

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