Monday, March 30, 2009

Coach Julie? Haha

Well, turns out I had more in me than I thought. More speed, that is. Yep. Tonight I ran an 8:43 mile! But, I was only able to do it with the help of Julie. Apparently I have not been pushing myself to my full potential! And this time, no cheating with the wind at my back! I can't remember the last time I ran a sub-9 mile...probably never! But one thing is for sure, I would never be able to keep that pace up for more than a mile. I was exhausted afterwards! So, that is my new goal. I think I would like my marathon pace to be at least 9:20, maybe even 9:10 per mile. Wouldn't that be awesome?

Basically, I wouldn't be where I am without my friends! Julie pushes me harder than anyone else, and I am so grateful for it! Kelsey is seriously my veritable mine of information when it comes to questions I have about anything running. She has helped me so much, so thanks Kelsey! Chelsie is my new found running buddy, even though we have to travel 20 minutes to run with each is worth it! Annie is like my pen pal running buddy, since we plan on running a marathon together this fall. Can't wait till she gets home, so she can join me and Chelsie on our runs!

My friends are pretty much AWESOME!! I love you girls!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Did my stopwatch really just say what I think it said?!

Okay, so today was a milestone! I ran a mile in 9 minutes and 10 seconds!!! My previous mile that I had timed (probably sometime in January) was just barely over 10 minutes, so this is a HUGE accomplishment, at least to me. Granted, I did have the wind at my back. And the wind today was insane. So, although it might not technically be a 9:10 mile, at least I know I can run below 10 now. Hopefully sometime next week I will time myself again, this time on a less windy day. I ran on the greenbelt between Greenfield and Higley roads, and that last stretch between the canal and Higley seemed to last forever! I forced myself not to look at my watch during the last hundred yards or so, and when I finished and looked I was so surprised! Then I collapsed onto the grass and lay there for a good five minutes. I was exhausted! Then, on top of that, I had to walk home again. I couldn't run against that headwind! But all in all, a great day for me. Those tempo runs sure do work!! I can feel my fitness coming back, but I am seriously trying to rein myself in (and not doing so great of a job of it). I really do not want to be injured again, so I need to still try and take it easy and STRETCH more to prevent further injury.

Because being injured sucks. A lot.

Still looking forward to Pat's Run, though! 23 DAYS!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Pat's Run!

So yesterday, on a total whim, I signed up for Pat's Run! It is a 4.2 mile run in honor of Pat Tillman, and there are thousands who participate each year! Now I say I did it on a whim because I was not really planning on running another race that soon. BUT my leg is about 90% better, I'm running with almost no pain, and these events are addicting. The atmosphere- there's nothing like it! Also, I can handle the 4.2 miler easy, I just have to get a couple five milers in before then and I'm set.

I got my first Runner's World Magazine issue in the mail the other day, and it has already completely changed my life! So many amazing tips on what I should eat and how I can lose some weight without losing energy and how to make my workouts more amazing....seriously the list goes on and on. That magazine is already my favorite, after just one issue. Sadly, I only get one a month. Darn it!

Anyway, on a non-running note, spring break was pretty awesome, only because I got to travel to Mexico with the family AND Cali with the friends. Mexico was so fun, we seriously lounged around, got sunburned, watched lots of TV, read on the beach, played on the beach, ate yummy food...basically everything great about a vacation. Cali was kind of on the other side- not relaxing at all, weather was horrible, and there were some frustrating moments because there were so many people with us. However, the time I spent with Julie and Matt at Six Flags was by far THE BEST. Standing in line for hours at a time is a whole lot easier when you have your best friends with you! Oh, and me and Julie and Matt did that sky-dive simulation thing when you get harnessed up, they strap you together, then pull you very,very,very high up into the air and then you pull the cord and you swing crazy fast and crazy high! If that makes sense...anyway, just know it was the funnest thing I have ever done! So the week ended up being pretty good, I got a nice base tan for the summer! On to training for Pat's Run!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

I'm almost better!

Okay so, no stress fracture! Best thing I could ask for. I am figuring that it is just a sprained or torn muscle. It's almost better, too! Still not 100% back to how it was before the 10K, BUT I can run now! I ran twice this week, and it made me so happy! I'm taking it as easy as possible, so I haven't done any intense mileage or anything. I feel like I'm starting over from where I was in January but I have plenty of time to get back in shape for real training in the summer.

Oh, I have also decided to switch marathons, if I can! I started thinking about how high the altitude is in Logan, UT where the Top of Utah marathon is, and I figured that that high of an elevation is going to kick my butt. So, instead of that one, I am going to try to get into the St George Marathon! This is a little tricky because they have a limit on how many can run the marathon, I think the cap is at 7200 or something. Which is still a ridiculous amount! The way it works is, you register for the marathon between April 1st and May 1st, then your name gets put in a raffle and they draw out 7200 names. I can't tell you how much I want my name to be drawn! This marathon is much bigger (more people), and so much more of an experience because of it. If your gonna run a marathon, go big or go home, right? So instead of in September, I'm looking at running one in October. October 3rdd, to be exact. Which is my little sister Chic's birthday! That would be the greatest birthday present, wouldn't it? To watch your big sister finish a marathon? I think so!

Speaking of drawing names, I find out if I got drawn for elk or antelope fall hunts next month! At first I thought I wouldn't know till mid-summer, until I checked the game and fish website. Woo hoo! I do believe I will learn results on or before April 24th....yes! Can't wait!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Really?! I mean, really?!

This is the funniest thing to happen to me to date at the rec center...
So, the other day, I go to do just a little boring workout (no running) and I decided to focus on my abs (swimsuit season is coming up!). So I'm using the sit-up thing where you lay on it and you put your feet under the bars so you can do good sit-ups. I'm facing the mirror, which coincidentally means I'm facing the weight racks. Two guys who look to be my age are working their biceps (not that I was watching them), and I happen to make eye contact, through the mirror, with one of them as I'm doing a sit-up. It was kind of an awkward eye contact, just because eye contact is always awkward.... ha ha. So two seconds later, he turns to his buddy, lifts up his shirt, and says "Dude, check out my six pack!" What the...? Is this your way of picking up women? Good crap! Anyway, I tried really hard not to smile or laugh, because I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that I did, indeed, enjoy looking at his six-pack. It wasn't the best one I've seen, but pretty good nonetheless. But really, how full of himself was he?? Too much for my taste. And frankly, I look hideous at the gym so I don't know what in the world he was thinking!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

NO! Anything but this....

Well, I talk to my friend Kelsey Lesueur yesterday. She is a hardcore marathon runner who is experienced about all things running. She's known about my injury this whole time, and has given me some great advice about it. I saw her last night at the adult Stake Conference meeting (which was really good, by the way) and she asked me how I was doing, running-wise. Basically I said it sucked, because it does, and she asked me about my pain. When I told her how it feels, she told me I should get it checked out, because there is the possibility that it is a...gulp...stress fracture.

So, I headed straight to Google to read up on stress fractures, and I have a nagging suspicion that I could have one. Pain gets worse with exercise? Check. Localized pain that hurts in one specific spot? Check. Swelling about the size of a half-dollar at the time of the initial injury? Check (that was when Julie was trying to massage it out and it hurt like a mother). Constantly throbbing? Check. Getting worse over time, because I keep exercising on it? Check. Happens when doing too much, too fast? Definitely check.

Basically, I'm screwed. These things take an average of 2 to 3 months to heal, which is totally not what I need right now! I've got a bloody marathon to train for, good crap! So, I'm getting a doctor's appointment this week and getting it sorted out once and for all. Although, stress fractures can be hard to diagnose with an x-ray, so I might need an MRI. Booo!

I'm trying not to be melodramatic/hypochondriac here, but I need to get it fixed! And, where else to vent but on my blog?

Oh, and one of the missionaries in my ward looks like the kid on the Sixth Sense. Only twelve years or so older. Every time I look at him I want to say "I see dead people." For some reason, I don't think he'd find it funny. That kid is creepy.