Sunday, August 14, 2011

Back to school/work/running

This move up to Utah is gonna be crazy busy! First, I have to get aquainted with a WHOLE new group of people, which I can actually see myself loving. I think it will really test my social skills, haha.

Then, I have to find a new job, and I hate nothing more than those first few weeks on a new job. Because, you know, I don't like feeling like an idiot. Hopefully I find somewhere near as cool as my old job.

Then, I'm starting school. This will be my first serious attempt at school in a long time, and I am SO ready for it! I actually really like school, and I am also excited to find new friends in my classes.

The part I'm most excited about is getting back into running!! If all goes right, I should be able to run nearly every morning which will make my life absolutely wonderful! I haven't gone on a morning run during the week in almost two years because of my previous job. So excited! Hopefully I can find a good 10K to run in the next couple months.

I move in 10 DAYS. Woof.

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