Sunday, May 24, 2009

first 2 weeks

Well, the first two weeks of marathon training are done. Here is what I have learned:

  • Even while you're running and obviously busy, the missionaries will still try to ask for references. Sorry Sisters and Elders, I just don't know anybody who needs to hear your message! Keep up the good work, though.
  • Arizona weather changes fast. Yesterday I set out in cool, cloudy weather, and came back with a sunburn and near heatstroke. I did have plenty of water though!
  • Freestone park is a lifesaver for one reason only- bathrooms.
  • I should probably wake up early for my runs from now on. This week of nice weather has spoiled me.
  • I am still out of shape. Still. After almost 6 months of running. Oh well. It's getting much better!
  • New running shoes make a HUGE difference. Turns out I was wearing a size too small for 5 months. No more injuries for me!
  • Training runs throughout the week are just as important as the long run on Saturday, without them I would be dying on the long run!
  • If I think that 6 miles is hard now, imagine when I am doing twice that. Or three times that. Or four. What am I getting myself into!?
  • Guys like it when I tell them I am training for a marathon. Hahaha!
  • Running clears the mind. Really.
  • There is so much more, but I don't feel like writing it down...

As I really get into training, I find myself a happier (although tired-er) person. Endorphins are great!

1 comment:

URFAVE 5+A Few said...

Honestly Alicia, you are my new hero! I'm so stinkin proud of you! You go girl!!! I'm behind you every step of the way! Just doing the little training that I did so makes me appreciate what you are doing. One little thing that I did that really really helped me to stay motivated was to look at how far I'd come from when I first started. I know sounds lame but it really did keep me motivated. Hang in there I know you can do it!
P.S. I think I'm a happier person when I'm running too! I think it's the endorphins but I also think it's the fact that working and accomplishing a goal makes you feel good inside!