Monday, October 8, 2012

Running Pop Quiz!

My favorite blog of all time has to be Hungry Runner Girl, she talks all things running and she is such an inspiration! Also, her new baby is freakin cute. ALSO girl just ran a 1:31:55 in a half marathon yesterday only 7.5 weeks after having her baby. Um, can I just be her?! Ha ha! i even met her once and she is just as funny in person. Anyway, a couple weeks ago she did a running pop quiz and challenged us to fill it out too, so here goes! (Annie did one first, read it here).


1. FEUL: I used to eat just plain vanilla PowerBar gels, but couldn't stomach them after training for two marathons. Then I took one taste of the Mint Chocolate GU, and fell in love and have never looked back. Imagine eating delicious, mint chocolate frosting in the middle of a race, because that's the exact taste and texture of this stuff. I'm obsessed. Also, for middle-length runs where I need a little something extra, I put the GU electrolyte mix into my water bottle, since I tend to sweat like crazy  and so I lose a bunch of sodium and stuff.

2. RACE LENGTH: I've done every race distance except for an ultra (one day! I think?!) I can't even remember how many 5K's and 10K's I've done, but I know I have done 5 half marathons (four of those were in the past year!) and 2 full marathons. I've also done a Ragnar and another similar relay in southern Utah. Half marathons are my absolute favorite (with relays being a close second). One day I will do a 50 mile race. And next year I'm going to shoot for St George marathon again and get at least a 4:30.

3. WORKOUT BOTTOMS: Capris capris capris. I have been blessed with a bodacious booty, and shorts just don't cut it. When I used to run in shorts, my voluptuous behind would bounce up and down like crazy and drove me just as crazy. I know, hilarious visual. And the chafing from my thunder thighs didn't help matters, either. So when I discovered the amazing things that are spandex capris (and I have earned the right to wear spandex) I have never looked back. They keep the chafing away and bouncing at bay.

4. SPORTS DRINK: My family loves Gatorade, but I've never been a huge fan of just drinking it all the time. I save it for races. I do like blue and red flavors (I sound like a little kid). For long runs I use this stuff got Gu Roctane Ultra Endurance, it's just a powder that I put in my water bottle. I feel a huge difference! 

5. RUNNING TEMPS: Even though I have grown up in AZ and trained for two fulls in AZ, I still love colder weather running. Like, 40-50 degrees is ideal. But if it has to be warm, I just run at night. I hate running in the sun in general, so when I was training in AZ I would get up at 3 for my long runs. Yee haw!!! 

6. RUNNING SHOES: I have these funky feet where I overpronate more on one side than the other, and it tends to screw up my knees and hips and basically everything from the feet up. So I run with fancy, personalized orthotics from my foot doctor that fit my feet perfectly and fix the weirdness. I used to run with Nike's but after I got orthotics I realized I could wear basically any shoes so I now go with Asics Nimbus. I kid you not, it is like running on a cloud! My feet used to ache so much after each run because the stability shoes I used to wear seemed to skimp on the cushioning. Now, my feet feel great all the time!

7. PRERACE MEAL: It depends. Steel-cut oatmeal, cereal (low-fiber), PB&J (easy on the PB), fruit, or a combination of all. I'm not too picky but mostly I hate force feeding myself at 4 in the morning.

8. REST DAYS: Usually two times per week, or three if it's busy week. 

9. MUSIC: Long runs definitely yes. Most short runs I can do without. Some days I just need the extra excitement just to get out the door, so I'll take my music. In the month of August I noticed I was a bit burnt out, but music got me back on track. Love my tunes! 

10. #1 REASON FOR RUNNING: To stay healthy and not fat. Ha ha, seriously. I think that if I were not a runner I would be pretty heavy, as it is most days I still feel over weight! :( It also makes me so so so so so HAPPY!!! There is no better feeling than finishing a hard run or a tough race and just being on top of the world. I live for that runner's high. I also love the race scene, I love that excitement in the air as everyone is standing at the starting line. Dreams are made and broken, epiphanies are made and lives are changed during those races. I know that for a fact.

11. I'm going to add one more--- FAVORITE RACE: Would have to be either the Top of Zion relay that I did in June or the one I just did a couple weeks ago, Big Cottonwood Half. Both of them went through amazing scenery, I had the time of my life both times, and I was happy for days afterwards. TOZ will probably take the top spot, because I can honestly say that was one of the best weeke


I hope that I have many, many years of happy running! I plan on being a runner for the rest of my life and I would really like to run through all my pregnancies one day....lofty goal? Heck no! I think anyone can do it!

1 comment:

Annie Hall said...

I am truly amazed that you haven't gotten burned out yet. You must be doing something right! And when you run through your pregnancies I'm going to be super impressed!!!