Wednesday, September 19, 2012


So, I have a half marathon on Saturday morning. The longest I've ran is 8.5 miles since the Top of Zion relay race. I didn't run at all during the month of August, and have only been running regularly the last 3 weeks or so, since school started. So basically I am completely winging this race. Which is going to be awesome! Haha.

LUCKILY for me, the race starts at nearly 8,000 feet elevation and ends just below 5,000 feet. So probably the reason I am not too stressed out about this race is because I know gravity will help me out more than anything else. I love downhill running, some people say it hurts their knees or quads but I say if you have strong quads (which I do) then you shouldn't have any problems. Almost every run I've done so far has had some downhills involved in it.

So let's hope and pray that I come out of this race with a personal record!! That would be so wonderful. On that same note, I'm looking to PR at the turkey trot this Thanksgiving so I will be focusing on speed more than usual for the next two months! Should be fun!

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