Sunday, April 11, 2010

9 weeks til the big day!

Only 9 more weeks until my marathon! And that means only three more super long runs- 16, 18, and the big 20. I can do it! I did the 14 yesterday, I did okay, had to walk a little bit in the last miles, but that's because I didn't run very good last week. Its wierd how even missing one run, even if it's just a little 6 miler, can affect my run the next week. You'd think I would learn this by now! Haha.

Anyway, this week I joined a running group that I saw on Facebook for my Wednesday run. We did a really fun hills run at Freestone, and I will definitely be joining them every week! They were so nice to me, welcomed me in like one of their own. The funny thing is, they are all way more hard core than I am...and most of them are older than 45. Some of them are in their 60's. Gotta love those older runners, even if they kick my butt every time! They all do several ultras and marathons a year, which is awesome. They might convince me to do an ultra eventually. (An ultra is any distance over a marathon, eek!).

Well, not much else new going on here. I am still working at Rehab Arizona, basically the most fun job ever. I love it! I couldn't imagine going to a job every morning at 7 that I didn't enjoy. That would suck. I dont mind the early mornings, because I get nap time in the afternoon. :) haha! I'm looking forward to Hawaii this summer (a week after my marathon! what better way to relax?), Mexico, Havasupai, camping, and many many kayaking trips. It's gonna be sweet. Hopefully a man will be thrown into that mix soon, I'm sick of being the only single person around here! But, all my guy friends come home from their missions this summer, which will make it even better! YAY!!!

Have a fabulous Sunday!

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