Sunday, March 7, 2010

Lessons learned...

So yesterday I set out for a 9 mile run, because my schedule told me to. I set out to do this after having not run for 10 days AND having taken my very first cycling class the day before. So, long story short, the 9 mile run ended up being a 4.5 mile run wuth 4.5 miles of walking. Still, I went the distance! (cue Hercules music)

But, let me say a little something about the cycling class I took at LA Fitness (my gym). Imagine your legs on fire for a full hour, imagine sweating so much that you have to drink 2 full water bottles worth of water, imagine wanting to throw up several times during said hour, imagine wanting to quit half way through, imagine your hardest workout EVER....yeah, that was the cycling class I took on Friday. Needless to say, in spite of all this, it will definitely be a weekly thing! However, not on Friday, most likely on Tuesdays only because I think thats the reason my long run went so horribly, is because my legs were already exhausted before I even began running. Not good! And very miserable.

Also, the whole "not running for 10 days" thing....I went to Mexico last weekend. It was fun, but could have been even more so had the weather not been so abysmal. Anyway, I came back from Mexico having eaten good yet crappy food all weekend, and it like set the tone for my while week. I ate like crap and didn't exercise once except for a short bike ride on Tuesday. But now I know what that does to my long runs on Saturdays, so from here on out I am on a very set and strict schedule! I'm excited for the marathon, I think it'll come up way faster than I want, though! I finally registered for it last week, so now I am dedicated. Also, I have a driving buddy for the trip up there, so that's exciting. Welp, have a good Sunday, I know I will! Peace....


SammiLee said...

So is it bad that reading you blog makes me never want to go running again?! You're NUTS...but I applaud you for your nutty-ness and secretly wish that I were as hard core. Anyway, I'm glad taht we are now blogging freinds. Take care!

Lacey Lou Who said...

Man! All you do is run! You're a trooper!