Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Busy busy busy...

I am soaking up these last few days of freedom before I am thrown back into the craziness that is real life.

First things first, we got a new chocolate lab puppy and she is the cutest thing. Why I thought getting a puppy at the busiest time of my life was a good idea... I don't know. But her cuteness makes up for it. Anyway...

Here's how it is all going down for the next four months.

Clinicals start Monday. Which means I am basically working for free, 40 hours a week. 7 weeks at a physical therapy office in Gilbert and then 8 weeks at Banner Desert inpatient therapy. I am actually really looking forward to it all! My schedule is killer, too...

MWF is 8-6:30. Come home, run, study for an hour or two, shower, play with puppy, and go to bed.

T and Th is afternoon only. Which means I have time for spin class in the mornings and time to walk the dog too. Also get some quality study time in.

So there's 7 weeks of that schedule. I'm not sure what my Banner schedule will be like but hopefully it's just as good.

April 8th is the most important day of my life thus far. That is the day I take the national licensure exam! That's why I have to study at least an hour a day plus more on the weekends. I would really like to pass it on my first try :)

Anyway, you will notice this doesn't leave much time for socializing. Meh, I'm over it. Haha. I figure if I just forget about dating for a while and stop trying so hard, maybe that's when things will take a turn for the better!

One last thing: resolutions!!!

Notice we only use this word once a year? That's because it's important!

Here's mine:
Healthier lifestyle (eat better, exercise smarter)
Become a morning person
Learn to love and rely on the scriptures and prayer in my daily life
Become completely independent from my parents by years end (yes, I am 24 and dependent. Deal with it)
Go skydiving again.
Hike the Grand Canyon.
Try not to be so mean to the guys. Haha
Take genuine interest in other people's lives

So this isn't exactly a "to-do" list, it's more of a "to-be" list. What are New Years resolutions for, if not to make us better than we were last year?

Also the best part of it being 2013: my little brother comes home from his mission!!! April 30th!


Unknown said...

Alicia my name is Vlad I'm from Romania and I'm applying to the PTA school in pRovo .I dont know anybody that attends the school there .Can I ask you some info's about the program if you dont mind ? Here is my e-mail because I'm having hard time going in this website .Thank you much

Unknown said...

Alicia my name is Vlad I'm from Romania and I'm applying to the PTA school in pRovo .I dont know anybody that attends the school there .Can I ask you some info's about the program if you dont mind ? Here is my e-mail because I'm having hard time going in this website .Thank you much