So with my life being so busy lately, I decided I really need to nail down my fitness goals. I've decided this is the year that I will finally feel good about my body in a swimming suit! (I say this to myself every year and it never happens).
One of the main things I need to work on to improve my running is to find my weak spots. I already know my hips, especially my gluteus medius muscles, are fairly weak compared to my quads and hamstrings. This is because (and excuse the physical therapist assistant language, but I love it!) running is a linear motion, meaning the quads, hamstrings, and calf muscles do all the work, while the muscles on the side of my hips (like the glute medius) are basically along for the ride without doing much work. This can cause IT Band problems (for reasons that are too long to explain) and can cost me energy during a run because my hips rock up and down too much during my stride. The funny thing is, I have known this for a while but haven't felt too determined to fix it. It hasn't caused me any problems except for after one race this past fall, so it isn't a pressing problem for me. However, I know if I start working on strengthening my hips all the way around, I can greatly improve my running power.
Speaking of running power, I definitely need to do more plyometric workouts! Things like jumping, running up steps, or anything else that has an "explosive" quality to it. If I build up that explosiveness, if you will, in my muscles, then each stride will feel even easier, which will make it much more fun to go the extra mile. Lately I've felt like my legs don't have that extra oomph and extra powerful stride that I would like to have. I could probably fix this a little bit by just strengthening my calves, but when you think about specificity of training, it would make more sense to do workouts that involve pushing off from the ground. That's what I do in every stride, so why not simulate it and challenge that motion in a workout? I feel workout epiphanies happening right now!
I have my second Ragnar race coming up at the end of next month, and I'm hoping to not be the slow one on the team. Even though I haven't trained as much as I should, I think if I nail some good long runs in the next couple weeks, along with some speed training and several good strength workouts, I should be fine. I ran the Zion Relay on little training, and Ragnar is pretty comparable. I'm so stoked! It's going to be another weekend to add in the "best weekend of my life" section. Haha. Expect a full recap of that race soon afterwards!
Let's see....what else? I would absolutely love to do another marathon this year, but I'm thinking I may shoot for the Phoenix Marathon next year. It is the first week of March, which means I can train all during the Arizona winter which is so ideal. In my other two marathons, I trained all summer which basically meant I was drinking my weight in water every day and that every run was a real challenge. I am thinking training during the winter might be better :) I would love to do the Big Cottonwood Half again because so far that has been my favorite race!! So beautiful! The one thing Utah has over Arizona is their races, most of them are in canyons and I loved every single one that I did! It was amazing.
Anyway, this has been another random "journal" post from me, hope you weren't too bored :)
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