Scene: Two weeks had passed since I got my second foot surgery. Things were going good, except for the fact that I was bored all the time and had pretty much watched everything on Netflix. Well, wednesday night my operated foot started itching. And I mean itching, almost like there was a million mosquito bites on my entire foot. I removed the ace wrap and during the night managed to nearly destroy the white gauze wrapping that surrounded my foot. I had scratched my foot so much to where I was bleeding in some spots. Well, over the next couple days, the itching continues. My mom buys some new gauze, and we unwrap my foot all the way (not gonna lie, the incisions looked nasty), clean it up a bit, and then wrap it up all new again. And then on Saturday, I wake up and BAM my lips look like Angelina Jolie's. Huge. Red. And super uncomfortable. I hated life that weekend. I didn't go to church because I seriously looked like I had a botched plastic surgery. Luckily my doctor's appointment was Monday morning. I called my dr Sunday to tell him about what was going on, and he said he would take a look and see what was going on the next day.
Well the next morning, we unwrap my foot and lo and behold, any skin that was covered by the steri strips (strips of cloth-like stuff that basically kept the incision closed) had erupted into large, pus-filled blisters. My doctor informed me that I had built up an allergy to tincture benzoin, which was the substance they used to make the steri strips stay on the skin. During my scratching, I had made the blisters worse and transferred some of the substance to my face by touching my face after scratching. This was why my lips blew up like they did. Well, since the incisions weren't healing very well, he cleaned the areas, applied some new medication, and wrapped it all up again and said I needed to stay an extra week in the boot. :( This was sad news. I was so looking forward to riding my bike and finally working out again!
Well cut to two days later. I had broken out into hives all over my body and my new dressings on my foot were soaked through with dark yellow pus. Um grooooossssss. So I went back to the doctor, and he cleaned me up again and put even more gauze on it, which seemed to do the trick. I'll spare you guys a picture of my foot with the blisters and stuff because it is nasty! So now I've been an extra week in the boot, my hives took over my life for four or five days (before a steroid treatment finally kicked them to the curb) and I am really, really hoping that I will finally be rid of the wraps on my foot and my stupid walking boot for FOREVER. Doctor's appointment is tomorrow so fingers crossed that the incisions look good!
So basically after the most hellish and miserable and depressing week of my life, I am about to be free again! I'm really hoping for good news, mostly because I am so sick of wrapping my foot in plastic bags before I take a shower.
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