We started our adventure Thursday night after my choir practice. We squeezed all 7 of us (me, Wes, Brooke, Kimri, Karen, Brittany, and Kendra) into the suburban, and we loaded up the car with all of our bags and food and strapped our bedding to the top. Needless to say, not much room to stretch out! We headed out at midnight and eventually made it to the starting line in time to catch a couple hours of sleep. On the asphalt. In the parking lot. Yeah, we're hardcore. We weren't even sure that it was the start, since there was absolutely nothing set up when we drove up! But we were too tired to care, haha. Luckily we were woken up at 5:30 a.m. by the crowd of people who arrived. And there was frost on my sleeping bag. It was freezing! We checked in, ate, and got Brooke ready to start at 7:00.
We were super excited to start! Haha Kimri is so weird...
Wes and Brooky before the start!!
There was six of us runners (plus Wes, our driver) in our van. Basically, van 1 rocked! Brooke ran her first leg, then it went Brittany, me, Karen, Kendra, and Kimri. We all did really great on that first section! We then met up with Van 2 at around 1 in the afternoon at Exchange 6, when they took off to run their 6 legs. This gave us several hours of well needed sleep and rest!!
Arriving at Exchange 6!
We then drove forward to Exchange 12 in Surprise to take a nice long nap on the baseball field at a high school. Well deserved and much needed!! Van 2 arrived at around 7, at which time Brooke left again to run her second leg. Brittany had a hard time in hers, she was having knee problems but we pretty much forced her to finish hers. Haha! She did great though, what a trooper! My second leg was so difficult! Not only were my legs already tired from my first run, but this run had a portion on a rocky and sandy trail. I swear, it was like they were playing a trick on us! It was like running on the beach, horrible! And then after that I had this long uphill for about a mile before I turned out of town and went back into the desert for some rolly-polly highway running. Which was kind of scary at night, but luckily we all had plenty of reflective gear and flashlights on! Which I was very grateful for! But I finished that one pretty strong. Everyone in our van continued running their legs until Kimri finished sometime around 1 in the morning in Anthem.
Arriving at Exchange 18, exhausted!!
Beautiful sunrise!
Karen and Brooke looking good!!
Kendra ended up doing 26 whole miles (marathon distance!) while Brooke did 23, and I did exactly 21. Poor Kimri had the worst run out of the bunch, I do believe! Her last run was going into Fountain Hills (key word: hills) and she was super mad by the end!! Haha, you can't help but laugh though. We gave her a ton of support and cheered her on with our dirty dancing. Hehe :)
Making our entrance into exchange 30--we were famous for blasting music and yelling with the megaphone at the exchanges. Also, we were famous for our dirty dancing on the side of the road!
So happy to be done!!
Here comes Kimri!!
We were so happy when our Van finished our runs in Fountain Hills (the other team had their last legs to do still, from FH to Tempe). We headed home to Gilbert, took some nice showers, got on our team shirts (Moms&Maidens!! We Run For Chocolate!) and headed back to Tempe to await Anna so we could our make our triumphant run over the finish line together. It was AMAZING to cross that finish after 32 hours of non stop awesomeness!
Here we come!!!
We're done!! WOOOO!!
Highlights of the whole thing:
-spending time with my little bro before he leaves on his mission!
-all of the MANY HOT guys we saw out on the course. My goodness! All I had to do was say "Kimri, look behind you." And all she had to say was yes (he's hot) or no (he's meh). Haha, she always knew exactly what I was talking about.
-the many crumping and poppin it and just all around dirty dance parties that we had every time we pulled over to cheer on our runner. People loved it (for the most part, except for that old guy that gave us a thumbs down)
- Kimri and Wes climbing on top of the van at various moments and dancing like crazy
-I learned how to shake my booty pretty well thanks to Kimri
-This takes the cake for most hilarious moment (according to others, not me!): Driving in to Exchange 26, just before I ran my last leg, I had the window down, megaphone on full blast, and I was belting out Glee's version of "Total Eclipse of the Heart" to all the people gathered at the exchange point. There were many shocked faces, mostly laughter and cheering. I think Karen nearly peed her pants. I could have passed as a drunk for sure. The best part was I had to walk up to those people minutes later and act totally normal as I waited for Kendra. Hilarious to highest degree!
-singing, once again with megaphone on and music on full blast, "The Time" by the Black Eyed Peas at the biggest crowd at Exchange 30. "I've had the time of my life, and I've never felt this way before!" Definitely fitting :)
-all of the team names- The ChiChi Express, and some other dirty ones that I won't repeat :) they were all awesome!
- getting to know my team mates better
There were so many other great stories and moments that I can't remember right now, but just know that it was epic. I can sum up this experience in three words:
I'm already planning for next year!! Cannot wait!
Alicia! I'm so proud of you! looks so fun! So fun i was wondering if I could join your team next year??? I would really like to get into running and this looks super fun!! Save me a spot if you can!!!
I should really learn to run, maybe jumping first, but I want to get out of the car next time. Good job on putting this all together it was an amazing experience.
I wanna do Ragnar SO bad!!
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