Friday, July 3, 2009


So I haven't given an update on training in awhile, but the most important thing is that I am still goin at it! In fact, this morning I ran my first 10 mile run EVER and it was exhausting! Basically, I feel the same after I hike Havasupai with a 30-pound pack on my back. Same achey feet and everything. But it is so worth it! (speaking of supai, August 6, 7, and 8th! I'm so excited!)

These last couple weeks I've had some issues with energy. In January, I could run 6 miles straight at just over 10 minutes per mile. For some reason, I've slowed down A LOT in the last month or so. It was starting to get really frustrating. A couple weeks ago I set out for a 9-mile run, but I couldn't even go four before I had to admit defeat and walk home. I was so exhausted after just two miles even. Then last saturday I had to do a short 6-mile run, but had to take a walking break in mile ONE! Needless to say, something was going on here. After some discussion earlier this week with Kelsey, she threw out the idea that maybe I was low on iron. It made perfect sense- I wasn't taking vitamins like I should have, and I hadn't had a piece of red meat, literally, in months (you can blame my mom for that one. All we eat is fish and chicken! haha). So I went right to work (knowing I had a 10 mile run that I absolutely had to do) and took a multi-vitamin with iron in it for the last 4 days and ate a ton of spinach. Good thing I like spinach! Well it seems to have worked, because I definitely improved! This morning I was able to run 8 miles before I got too tired and had to walk the last two. But, I did the distance, and I didn't run out of steam at mile 2 like I have been for a month or so. Placebo affect? I don't think so. There was some real energy there this morning, I could feel it.

You know what time I had to wake up this morning so as not to die of heat?

4:30. Woof.

Needless to say, I took a nice 3-hour nap after I got home and showered. Glorious!

Also, Gilbert is beautiful at dawn!

1 comment:

URFAVE 5+A Few said...

Way to go Alicia!!! I'm way proud of you! As I was reading about your struggles my thoughts were is she eating good enough, is taking vitamins, is she getting enough rest? I found when I was running and training all of those things were a huge factor of how I was going to run that day. So eat good, rest plenty, and take those vitamins. Oh and for me I had to think good happy positive thoughts!!!

Good luck with your training. I think you are amazing and I'm so proud of you!!!

Take Care,
