I have been in one of these!!!! On Wednesday I had a slightly horrible day, it was just one of those days where nothing is wrong, and yet everything is wrong...ya know? Well, to take my mind off the crappy day and to cheer myself up, I went for a run to Freestone Park and back (even though I told myself no more running until official training in May, but whatever. It was an emergency). So anyway, I'm running along the gravel path and way up ahead I see three people rolling this huge white thing across the path, right by Freestone. So I'm thinkin like what the hey? So I get to where they are a couple minutes later and I see that it is a huge hamster ball, just like the one in the picture. It was that big, too! So I ask them (they seemed about my age) where they got it and they got it from New Zealand! Then the girl asked me if I wanted to go for a ride in it, of
course I said yes!! So I took off my watch and my shoes, because they put water in it so that you don't get rubber burns. They held it while I got a running start to jump through the tube that was just big enough for a person to squeeze through. Took me a couple tries, but I finally got in and noticed that there was straps inside so you could strap yourself in. Well, one of the guys said that it is much funner without the straps, then he pointed me in the right direction and said RUN! Welp, I started running for about ten steps, then lost my balance, almost drowned in the water that was on the bottom, and then it started going really fast! Everything was a blur, only because it was almost dark and I couldn't really see anything around me. All I know is that when I got to the bottom it stopped and I had a huge wedgie from sliding around! It was a blast. I kind of wanted to run around in it, but it was getting dark and I needed to get home, and I didn't want to take up their time by playing with it. Seriously though, it was sooooo much fun!
I wonder how much they cost?
1 comment:
I finally was able to get onto your blog! YAY for me. Anyway, it's so fun to read about you and all your fun adventures! Man you are one active busy girl! Good for you!
This here huge hamster ball is so way cool. I think that looks scary but way fun. I would have wanted to try it out too. I'm glad that you got to.
Keep having fun!
P.S. Thans for all your motivation and support with my running!
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