So yesterday, on a total whim, I signed up for Pat's Run! It is a 4.2 mile run in honor of Pat Tillman, and there are thousands who participate each year! Now I say I did it on a whim because I was not really planning on running another race that soon. BUT my leg is about 90% better, I'm running with almost no pain, and these events are addicting. The atmosphere- there's nothing like it! Also, I can handle the 4.2 miler easy, I just have to get a couple five milers in before then and I'm set.
I got my first Runner's World Magazine issue in the mail the other day, and it has already completely changed my life! So many amazing tips on what I should eat and how I can lose some weight without losing energy and how to make my workouts more amazing....seriously the list goes on and on. That magazine is already my favorite, after just one issue. Sadly, I only get one a month. Darn it!
Anyway, on a non-running note, spring break was pretty awesome, only because I got to travel to Mexico with the family AND Cali with the friends. Mexico was so fun, we seriously lounged around, got sunburned, watched lots of TV, read on the beach, played on the beach, ate yummy food...basically everything great about a vacation. Cali was kind of on the other side- not relaxing at all, weather was horrible, and there were some frustrating moments because there were so many people with us. However, the time I spent with Julie and Matt at Six Flags was by far THE BEST. Standing in line for hours at a time is a whole lot easier when you have your best friends with you! Oh, and me and Julie and Matt did that sky-dive simulation thing when you get harnessed up, they strap you together, then pull you very,very,very high up into the air and then you pull the cord and you swing crazy fast and crazy high! If that makes sense...anyway, just know it was the funnest thing I have ever done! So the week ended up being pretty good, I got a nice base tan for the summer! On to training for Pat's Run!!
1 comment:
ok. 1. im sad i was not invited to cali... i would have been there in a heart beat if it meant i get to spend another date with you:) haha... and 2. thanks for making hard core fun of me! haha.. dont worry so is everyone else! and 3 . im happy i can finally view your blog! when i tried it was private .. so i love it! its soo you and you are funny!! Thanks for the comment! haha.. we need to play soon!
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