Summer school is the bane of my existence right now. I try not to resist it, I try and go to school without kicking and screaming every morning. But it's proving to be difficult! Every morning as I drive to school I see people out running and I get so jealous! I get to save my running for the night time but I have a feeling as the summer goes on that it will be hot even at 8 o'clock at night.
My schedule goes as such- Monday and Thursday I have school from 8 to 5. So much fun...? Tuesday is my new "Friday" as in it's the day I feel happiest:) I only have school from 8 to noon, with the whole afternoon to myself. Let's get real, I usually spend it catching up on shows and sleeping:) Wednesday is from 8 to 2:30, not bad at all.
I guess the reason I'm complaining is because I don't get to sleep in anymore!! *gasp!* if anyone knows me at all they know that I love, adore, even worship sleep, and anything that interrupts that is not my best friend. Bless my heart when I eventually get married and have little kiddos.
Moving on... This summer is proving to still be a total blast, even with the full time summer school. Last weekend I was able to go with a group from my ward down to Arches National Park (near Moab). It was such a fun, albeit WILD trip. Wild, because I swear the winds that we suffered through were hurricane force. No lie. All of us were exhausted from the constant sand-blasting and digging sand out of our eyes (and mouth, and nose, and ears). But, even with all of that craziness, we still managed to have the time of our lives. I felt like I grew so much closer to all the people that were there. Probably has something to do with suffering together. Ha ha.
We did a couple of shorter hikes and one longer hike to see Delicate arch (the one of the Utah license plate). I loved seeing all of the arches, and we didn't even begin to scratch the surface of that park, because there are hundreds of arches that we never even saw. Double Arch was my favorite because it's so unique and so huge!
When we got home Saturday night, I can honestly say that was the dirtiest I have ever been. I had red sand embedded in my hair (looked like I had red roots coming in), my clothes were covered in red, my sports bra was filled with sand (tmi?) and I basically felt like I had a new layer of skin. Yay, exfoliation!! Over all it was a very fun trip, and Bishop was kind enough to feed us three meals and reserve a camping spot for us. Speaking of, I think I was the only one to get a good nights rest because my sleeping bag is so big:) I didn't hear or feel the wind all night because I was burrowed inside.
Anywho, I'm looking forward to a couple more things in the coming month or so. I have the Utah Valley Half next weekend, along with two of my roommate's weddings. Then I have the Top of Zion Red Rock Relay at the end of June (SO excited for that one!). Still trying to find another race for July, even if it's just a 10K or something. One race a month is my goal! Summer is busy but also a super exciting time!!