This is mostly due to my life motto: "I'm over it." Most of the time I say it jokingly, but at the same time it is a huge release for me to just simply say, "I'm over it."
Some guy I have been crushing on for several weeks never asks me out and I see him flirting with some other girl? Whatever, I get over it and I move on. Most of my crushes only last for a a couple weeks because of this reason. It makes me sad when I see other girls hung up on a guy for MONTHS because they can't move on, even when there's no hope for a relationship! As soon as I get the hint that a guy isn't interested, I just say "I'm over it" and move on! It saves me lots of heartache, stress, and wondering.
Bomb a test? I'm over it! Luckily at my school I can study hard and a do retake :)
Have a bad date? I'm over it! There will be another date with another guy that will go better.
This motto of mine is probably the reason why stress isn't a huge part of my life. Okay, let's be honest, I haven't had a stressful life anyway. School has been easy (until now, anyway), work has never been hard on me (luckily I had an amazing job in AZ), and in fact, the only thing that stresses me out anymore is money (stupid student loans are taking FOREVER) but that will soon be better.
I guess the whole point of this post is that you can choose to be stressed out or not! Just like you can choose to be offended about certain things (thank you, Elder Bednar!). I make the choice whether to be stressed out about daily life or not. When I have a big test to study for, instead of complaining about it I hunker down and I study for the dang thing! If I am stressing out because I don't feel ready, who's fault is that?
Another thing that kind of goes with this: you can certainly decide whether to make a situation dramatic or not! It just goes with being offended, you can choose to be or not. It takes a lot to offend me, in fact the only thing that does offend me is if someone trash talks my family or good friends. I'm gonna get defensive, tell you why you're wrong, and then forgive you :). Haha! The point is, people that say "I hate drama" and yet have a hard time forgiving those who offend them and continue that drama are just fooling themselves. Doesn't it feel so much better to be the bigger person in the situation and just say, hey, I don't want things to be awkward between us and I don't want any more drama, let's just drop it? Of course, it feels great! And who wants to lose a friendship over something silly, like being offended?
Anyway, I hope whoever reads this takes it to heart and makes an effort to make life less stressful for yourself :) I love living life the way I do! People always comment on how laid back and chill I am, and it is a great way to be!