Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas shoes! (but not the cheesy song)

So my boss is awesome and bought me some new birthday shoes. I chose some new Nike running shoes, and since they came in the mail TODAY they will be my Christmas/birthday shoes. To celebrate, I think I'll go run 7 miles.


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Is it really Christmas? Really??

Running events coming up:
London's Run Half Marathon, January 29th-- come join me!
Ragnar Del Sol Relay-- February 25th-26th, 200ish mile relay of awesomeness!! I'm so excited, more details to come! It's kind of a big deal!
Pat's Run- sometime in April
Warrior Dash- late April, should be a fun one! It's a 3.4 mile run/obstacle course
Utah Valley Marathon-- Provo, June 11th. If my training goes good this year, I should be able to nail it!

I was going to do the turkey trot, but got really sick the week before so it was a no go! So bummed :( And, I've been sick ever since! Going on five weeks now, it's really awesome.....not. I haven't been able to train for the half like I would want to, but I'm doing it anyway! Weirdly enough, the same thing happened to me last year. I got sick during the Christmas season so I couldn't train for the half in January. Oh well, this time I'm training through the sickness! 

The last month has gone by way too fast! Some highlights:
~I auditioned (and made it!!!) into the East Valley Mormon Choir, which is kind of a big deal and something I am way excited about! Rehearsals start in January :)
~My deer hunt the week before and weekend of Thanksgiving. Hunted really hard for six days in zero degree weather and snow before finally bagging my deer on the last day! He's a beauty, even if my dad wanted me to get a bigger one, haha. I'm happy with him!
~This weather SUCKS. Isn't Christmas supposed to be cold and snowing up north and stuff? Last week its been 80 degrees every day. In the middle of December. Yuck. Luckily today it rained finally and cooled down a bit but I don't think it'll last. Bummer! It really takes away from the feeling of Christmas :(
~ Performing with the Gilbert Stake/St Anne's Catholic church combined choir. I got to sing and play my violin (lots of running back and forth). We performed at both St Anne's church (which has great acoustics!) and the Temple, which I LOVE doing! Good thing it wasn't too cold at the Temple! 

Last week at church, in my singles ward, we had a two hour (I repeat, 2 HOUR) discussion on dating instead of Sunday School and Relief Society. Not gonna lie, it was great to be able to discuss this topic with the entire ward and learn about what is going through guys' minds! We talked about way too many things to even write down, but I will definitely remember everything that was said for future reference. It was definitely helpful! Although sometimes I feel like those kind of things turn into "guy-bashing" sessions, like the girls all gang up on the guys and tell them what losers they are for never asking us out. Haha! It did kind of get on the verge of that, but Bishop Tinker was always steering the discussion in the right direction. And he ended us on a spiritual note, which I was super thankful for.

Anyway, this just turned into a journal....haha. I guess I'll just keep writing randomness on here from now on!