Sunday, August 29, 2010

School, schmool.....

So school started again this past week. I was actually way excited for it, because I had signed up for 4 classes and I was looking forward to having a full semester again. Well, I had to drop one class because I found out I couldn't leave work early because someone already was, and then on the second day of school my world religions class was cancelled for the semester. So now I'm down to two classes, and my perfect schedule was ruined! But oh well. Now I have time between work and school on Tuesdasy and Thursdays to take a nap in my car :) of course I would think of that! Speaking of work, still as awesome as ever! I pity people who don't have as fun of a job as me :) haha.

I'm finding it hard to get back into running, but I think as soon as I sign up for another race I'll get incentive to train again. Also I think once I get into the routine of this whole work plus school thing I'll get a good workout schedule going. I just need a boyfriend who actually wants to workout with me, hehe :)

Other than that, I've really been thinking about moving out. But then I think about how much that costs, and I just go back to wanting to stay at home. All I can think about is the 300 bucks a month that would pretty much be going down the drain. And the food money. And the lack of seeing my family every day. I think I'd spend more time here at home than at the place I'd move out to. Haha. So pretty much a waste of money.

Welp, life is getting into a routine, and I tell you what, I HATE routine!  I love being spontaneous, so I hate having so much responsibility. haha. After about 6 months of doing the same thing I get really sick of it and want a change (hence the wanting to move out). Some people are afraid of change, but I embrace it! I love trying out new things, meeting new people, going to a new school, and going to new places. I swear, spontaneous should be my middle name. I figure, why have life be boring by doing the same thing day after day, year after year? Sometimes you just gotta take a chance and do something completely new. I don't think life should ever be boring. As my seminary teacher used to say, "if you're bored, it means you're a boring person!" Haha, I've never forgotten that. Anyway, thats my rant for the day :) have a wonderful week!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Running update....

So in June I was all signed up to do the Utah Valley Marathon. Well, I didn't train so well and ended up getting injured. Bummer, right?? So then I found out I also got into the St George Marathon, which was even worse because it's hard to get in to and I knew I wouldn't be able to train for it. So I can't do that one either, which makes me sad! I loved the St G race, it was so fun! But anyway, I've taken the summer off for running, but this week I'm coming back with a vengeance! I'm gonna build up a base again, which means I'm basically starting over. I'm gonna take it easy for the first couple weeks, but I'm also gonna sign up for some 10K's this fall, including the turkey trot, which was way fun last year. That should prepare me for a half marathon in January, London's Run out at Schnepf Farms. I've done the 10K two years in a row now, but haven't done the half yet. I'm excited for that one, and I'm gonna go for a time goal, which means a lot of speed training. It's gonna be awesome! So yeah, that's my running plan :) also I found a gym buddy which means it will be harder to skip a workout!

Sometime this week I'll write about my lake trip yesterday, it was EPIC.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Where have I been, you ask?

Well, Hawaii for one. Like over a month ago. Haha! Best trip ever, if you can believe that! We hiked, snorkeled, ate shaved ice, tanned (a lot!), swam, pina colada'd it up, jumped off waterfalls, laughed, burned, and flew for many hours! All in all, a wonderful trip with us Clouse's (minus Dustin) and the Lambrights. Then we came home much darker than when we left, and I went back to work for several weeks before we headed to California for Dustin's WEDDING! I know, right? Whoda thunk Dustin would get married? Haha just kidding, Dust, we love you! Speaking of work...I don't think I've written about my job? I work at Rehab Arizona, which is basically the funnest job in the world! We do physical therapy, mostly back injuries and pain and also shoulder injuries, hand, ect. It is so much fun, the people I work with are hilarious and keep things fun. We watch tv all day, talk to our patients, throw things at each other, laugh our heads off at things. I love it. I kinda wanna stay there forever! At least for a couple more years, at which time I will try to get into a sports/athlete therapy kind of deal. Which would be sick!!!

We went to California last weekend for my big brother's wedding. Heather, his wife, is from Stockton, which is just over an hour from Oakland. They got married at the Oakland Temple, which was beautiful, and very cold and foggy! It was so wierd to be cold in the middle of July! The reception was way fun, the house we had it at had a zipline in the backyard, so everybody rode on it, including the new Mr. and Mrs. Clouse! Heather rode down it in her wedding dress, I think I like her! Haha, what a trooper, the poor girl was sick the whole reception, but she stuck it out! Oakland is not very far from the fabulous (as in, FaBuLoUs! , think, gay lisp. haha) San Fransisco, so after the newlyweds were off for their honeymoon, we hung out in San Fran the day after the wedding. And let me explain something here. I hate California. As in, I would rather go anywhere else for vacation. Me and my dad share the same opinion :) The traffic sucks, there's too many people, it's extremely crowded, the highways SUCK and are very confusing, the beaches in hawaii are better ( I know, spoiled!) and I'd much rather be in the mountains than the city, any day! But wait, there's a clarification. I may hate California with the fire of a thousand suns, BUT I LOVE San Fransisco!!! I know, I'm wierd. But San Fran was so fun! The redwood forest, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Bay, downtown San Fran, the cable cars (Not trolleys! haha, the conductor got upset that we called them the "t-word"), Ghiradelli's chocolate factory, Chinatown (LOVE!), and being with my cousin Kimri and her parents Uncle Russ and Aunt Shelle. So freaking fun!! We laughed way too much, so many stories that I can't even begin to tell, it would take too long, haha. Anyway, that was the best part of the trip was that one Saturday we spent just fartin around in San Fran and the surrounding areas. So, if I ever go back to California it will be either 1: Disneyland or 2: San Fransisco. Nowhere else. Haha, I'm so picky!

On a parting note, since Dustin's wedding took place in the week that we would normally go on our annual camping trip and his 'Zona reception takes place as the same weekend when I could have gone to Havasupai, I am seriously lacking in the camping department and very much suffering for it. I need my camping fix now before I go completely insane! Working is fun and all, but I really, really to get up in those mountains and clear my head before school starts! It's looking as if that won't happen, That's really the only bad thing I can say about my life right now, so life is overall good!

Whew, some catch up! Props to you if you just read all that. :) Have a good weekend! Tomorrow's Friday! Rejoice!!!