So my boss is awesome and bought me some new birthday shoes. I chose some new Nike running shoes, and since they came in the mail TODAY they will be my Christmas/birthday shoes. To celebrate, I think I'll go run 7 miles.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Is it really Christmas? Really??
Running events coming up:
London's Run Half Marathon, January 29th-- come join me!
Ragnar Del Sol Relay-- February 25th-26th, 200ish mile relay of awesomeness!! I'm so excited, more details to come! It's kind of a big deal!
Pat's Run- sometime in April
Warrior Dash- late April, should be a fun one! It's a 3.4 mile run/obstacle course
Utah Valley Marathon-- Provo, June 11th. If my training goes good this year, I should be able to nail it!
I was going to do the turkey trot, but got really sick the week before so it was a no go! So bummed :( And, I've been sick ever since! Going on five weeks now, it's really awesome.....not. I haven't been able to train for the half like I would want to, but I'm doing it anyway! Weirdly enough, the same thing happened to me last year. I got sick during the Christmas season so I couldn't train for the half in January. Oh well, this time I'm training through the sickness!
The last month has gone by way too fast! Some highlights:
~I auditioned (and made it!!!) into the East Valley Mormon Choir, which is kind of a big deal and something I am way excited about! Rehearsals start in January :)
~My deer hunt the week before and weekend of Thanksgiving. Hunted really hard for six days in zero degree weather and snow before finally bagging my deer on the last day! He's a beauty, even if my dad wanted me to get a bigger one, haha. I'm happy with him!
~This weather SUCKS. Isn't Christmas supposed to be cold and snowing up north and stuff? Last week its been 80 degrees every day. In the middle of December. Yuck. Luckily today it rained finally and cooled down a bit but I don't think it'll last. Bummer! It really takes away from the feeling of Christmas :(
~ Performing with the Gilbert Stake/St Anne's Catholic church combined choir. I got to sing and play my violin (lots of running back and forth). We performed at both St Anne's church (which has great acoustics!) and the Temple, which I LOVE doing! Good thing it wasn't too cold at the Temple!
Last week at church, in my singles ward, we had a two hour (I repeat, 2 HOUR) discussion on dating instead of Sunday School and Relief Society. Not gonna lie, it was great to be able to discuss this topic with the entire ward and learn about what is going through guys' minds! We talked about way too many things to even write down, but I will definitely remember everything that was said for future reference. It was definitely helpful! Although sometimes I feel like those kind of things turn into "guy-bashing" sessions, like the girls all gang up on the guys and tell them what losers they are for never asking us out. Haha! It did kind of get on the verge of that, but Bishop Tinker was always steering the discussion in the right direction. And he ended us on a spiritual note, which I was super thankful for.
Anyway, this just turned into a journal....haha. I guess I'll just keep writing randomness on here from now on!
London's Run Half Marathon, January 29th-- come join me!
Ragnar Del Sol Relay-- February 25th-26th, 200ish mile relay of awesomeness!! I'm so excited, more details to come! It's kind of a big deal!
Pat's Run- sometime in April
Warrior Dash- late April, should be a fun one! It's a 3.4 mile run/obstacle course
Utah Valley Marathon-- Provo, June 11th. If my training goes good this year, I should be able to nail it!
I was going to do the turkey trot, but got really sick the week before so it was a no go! So bummed :( And, I've been sick ever since! Going on five weeks now, it's really awesome.....not. I haven't been able to train for the half like I would want to, but I'm doing it anyway! Weirdly enough, the same thing happened to me last year. I got sick during the Christmas season so I couldn't train for the half in January. Oh well, this time I'm training through the sickness!
The last month has gone by way too fast! Some highlights:
~I auditioned (and made it!!!) into the East Valley Mormon Choir, which is kind of a big deal and something I am way excited about! Rehearsals start in January :)
~My deer hunt the week before and weekend of Thanksgiving. Hunted really hard for six days in zero degree weather and snow before finally bagging my deer on the last day! He's a beauty, even if my dad wanted me to get a bigger one, haha. I'm happy with him!
~This weather SUCKS. Isn't Christmas supposed to be cold and snowing up north and stuff? Last week its been 80 degrees every day. In the middle of December. Yuck. Luckily today it rained finally and cooled down a bit but I don't think it'll last. Bummer! It really takes away from the feeling of Christmas :(
~ Performing with the Gilbert Stake/St Anne's Catholic church combined choir. I got to sing and play my violin (lots of running back and forth). We performed at both St Anne's church (which has great acoustics!) and the Temple, which I LOVE doing! Good thing it wasn't too cold at the Temple!
Last week at church, in my singles ward, we had a two hour (I repeat, 2 HOUR) discussion on dating instead of Sunday School and Relief Society. Not gonna lie, it was great to be able to discuss this topic with the entire ward and learn about what is going through guys' minds! We talked about way too many things to even write down, but I will definitely remember everything that was said for future reference. It was definitely helpful! Although sometimes I feel like those kind of things turn into "guy-bashing" sessions, like the girls all gang up on the guys and tell them what losers they are for never asking us out. Haha! It did kind of get on the verge of that, but Bishop Tinker was always steering the discussion in the right direction. And he ended us on a spiritual note, which I was super thankful for.
Anyway, this just turned into a journal....haha. I guess I'll just keep writing randomness on here from now on!
Monday, November 1, 2010
I gave in...
So this morning, it was pretty chilly when I got in my car.
So, I felt in the Christmas mood.
Somehow the Christmas music magically came on my ipod on the way to work. Not sure how it happened..........hehe.
Is November 1st too early to be listening to Christmas music??
I don't think so!
Also I can't believe it's November already!! Where the fetch did the time go!?
Friday, October 29, 2010
life in general
I'm running again. And that's about as exciting as my life gets right now.
Boys are dumb. I realized this a long time ago, but it just gets reiterated every single day.
I love my institute class. The Basha's are the best teachers in the whole world. Fer reals. They teach us how to prepare for eternal marriage, and seriously the things they teach can apply to pretty much anything.
Work is still awesome, every day I laugh harder. Or want to kill my coworkers because they tease me constantly!
I've gone camping the last couple of weekends, and it makes me happy every time!
We went to conference at the beginning of October, it was a thuper de duperdy awesome trip. Except for only getting into 1 out of 4 sessions! Bummer :( but it was still fun to see the bro and sister-in-law!
Boys are dumb. I realized this a long time ago, but it just gets reiterated every single day.
I love my institute class. The Basha's are the best teachers in the whole world. Fer reals. They teach us how to prepare for eternal marriage, and seriously the things they teach can apply to pretty much anything.
Work is still awesome, every day I laugh harder. Or want to kill my coworkers because they tease me constantly!
I've gone camping the last couple of weekends, and it makes me happy every time!
We went to conference at the beginning of October, it was a thuper de duperdy awesome trip. Except for only getting into 1 out of 4 sessions! Bummer :( but it was still fun to see the bro and sister-in-law!
Next couple weeks:
Les Miserables performances, me and Hannah and my mom are in the choir! So freaking excited!
Shun from the Sun 10K on the 13th, hopefully I can run the whole thing! Haha
Deer hunt on the 19th, words cannot express how excited I am!!!!!!!
Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day. Nothing better than burning 600 calories on the day of eating!
Christmas music after (but most likely before) Thanksgiving. Better start making my playlist now!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
School, schmool.....
So school started again this past week. I was actually way excited for it, because I had signed up for 4 classes and I was looking forward to having a full semester again. Well, I had to drop one class because I found out I couldn't leave work early because someone already was, and then on the second day of school my world religions class was cancelled for the semester. So now I'm down to two classes, and my perfect schedule was ruined! But oh well. Now I have time between work and school on Tuesdasy and Thursdays to take a nap in my car :) of course I would think of that! Speaking of work, still as awesome as ever! I pity people who don't have as fun of a job as me :) haha.
I'm finding it hard to get back into running, but I think as soon as I sign up for another race I'll get incentive to train again. Also I think once I get into the routine of this whole work plus school thing I'll get a good workout schedule going. I just need a boyfriend who actually wants to workout with me, hehe :)
Other than that, I've really been thinking about moving out. But then I think about how much that costs, and I just go back to wanting to stay at home. All I can think about is the 300 bucks a month that would pretty much be going down the drain. And the food money. And the lack of seeing my family every day. I think I'd spend more time here at home than at the place I'd move out to. Haha. So pretty much a waste of money.
Welp, life is getting into a routine, and I tell you what, I HATE routine! I love being spontaneous, so I hate having so much responsibility. haha. After about 6 months of doing the same thing I get really sick of it and want a change (hence the wanting to move out). Some people are afraid of change, but I embrace it! I love trying out new things, meeting new people, going to a new school, and going to new places. I swear, spontaneous should be my middle name. I figure, why have life be boring by doing the same thing day after day, year after year? Sometimes you just gotta take a chance and do something completely new. I don't think life should ever be boring. As my seminary teacher used to say, "if you're bored, it means you're a boring person!" Haha, I've never forgotten that. Anyway, thats my rant for the day :) have a wonderful week!
I'm finding it hard to get back into running, but I think as soon as I sign up for another race I'll get incentive to train again. Also I think once I get into the routine of this whole work plus school thing I'll get a good workout schedule going. I just need a boyfriend who actually wants to workout with me, hehe :)
Other than that, I've really been thinking about moving out. But then I think about how much that costs, and I just go back to wanting to stay at home. All I can think about is the 300 bucks a month that would pretty much be going down the drain. And the food money. And the lack of seeing my family every day. I think I'd spend more time here at home than at the place I'd move out to. Haha. So pretty much a waste of money.
Welp, life is getting into a routine, and I tell you what, I HATE routine! I love being spontaneous, so I hate having so much responsibility. haha. After about 6 months of doing the same thing I get really sick of it and want a change (hence the wanting to move out). Some people are afraid of change, but I embrace it! I love trying out new things, meeting new people, going to a new school, and going to new places. I swear, spontaneous should be my middle name. I figure, why have life be boring by doing the same thing day after day, year after year? Sometimes you just gotta take a chance and do something completely new. I don't think life should ever be boring. As my seminary teacher used to say, "if you're bored, it means you're a boring person!" Haha, I've never forgotten that. Anyway, thats my rant for the day :) have a wonderful week!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Running update....
So in June I was all signed up to do the Utah Valley Marathon. Well, I didn't train so well and ended up getting injured. Bummer, right?? So then I found out I also got into the St George Marathon, which was even worse because it's hard to get in to and I knew I wouldn't be able to train for it. So I can't do that one either, which makes me sad! I loved the St G race, it was so fun! But anyway, I've taken the summer off for running, but this week I'm coming back with a vengeance! I'm gonna build up a base again, which means I'm basically starting over. I'm gonna take it easy for the first couple weeks, but I'm also gonna sign up for some 10K's this fall, including the turkey trot, which was way fun last year. That should prepare me for a half marathon in January, London's Run out at Schnepf Farms. I've done the 10K two years in a row now, but haven't done the half yet. I'm excited for that one, and I'm gonna go for a time goal, which means a lot of speed training. It's gonna be awesome! So yeah, that's my running plan :) also I found a gym buddy which means it will be harder to skip a workout!
Sometime this week I'll write about my lake trip yesterday, it was EPIC.
Sometime this week I'll write about my lake trip yesterday, it was EPIC.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Where have I been, you ask?
Well, Hawaii for one. Like over a month ago. Haha! Best trip ever, if you can believe that! We hiked, snorkeled, ate shaved ice, tanned (a lot!), swam, pina colada'd it up, jumped off waterfalls, laughed, burned, and flew for many hours! All in all, a wonderful trip with us Clouse's (minus Dustin) and the Lambrights. Then we came home much darker than when we left, and I went back to work for several weeks before we headed to California for Dustin's WEDDING! I know, right? Whoda thunk Dustin would get married? Haha just kidding, Dust, we love you! Speaking of work...I don't think I've written about my job? I work at Rehab Arizona, which is basically the funnest job in the world! We do physical therapy, mostly back injuries and pain and also shoulder injuries, hand, ect. It is so much fun, the people I work with are hilarious and keep things fun. We watch tv all day, talk to our patients, throw things at each other, laugh our heads off at things. I love it. I kinda wanna stay there forever! At least for a couple more years, at which time I will try to get into a sports/athlete therapy kind of deal. Which would be sick!!!
We went to California last weekend for my big brother's wedding. Heather, his wife, is from Stockton, which is just over an hour from Oakland. They got married at the Oakland Temple, which was beautiful, and very cold and foggy! It was so wierd to be cold in the middle of July! The reception was way fun, the house we had it at had a zipline in the backyard, so everybody rode on it, including the new Mr. and Mrs. Clouse! Heather rode down it in her wedding dress, I think I like her! Haha, what a trooper, the poor girl was sick the whole reception, but she stuck it out! Oakland is not very far from the fabulous (as in, FaBuLoUs! , think, gay lisp. haha) San Fransisco, so after the newlyweds were off for their honeymoon, we hung out in San Fran the day after the wedding. And let me explain something here. I hate California. As in, I would rather go anywhere else for vacation. Me and my dad share the same opinion :) The traffic sucks, there's too many people, it's extremely crowded, the highways SUCK and are very confusing, the beaches in hawaii are better ( I know, spoiled!) and I'd much rather be in the mountains than the city, any day! But wait, there's a clarification. I may hate California with the fire of a thousand suns, BUT I LOVE San Fransisco!!! I know, I'm wierd. But San Fran was so fun! The redwood forest, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Bay, downtown San Fran, the cable cars (Not trolleys! haha, the conductor got upset that we called them the "t-word"), Ghiradelli's chocolate factory, Chinatown (LOVE!), and being with my cousin Kimri and her parents Uncle Russ and Aunt Shelle. So freaking fun!! We laughed way too much, so many stories that I can't even begin to tell, it would take too long, haha. Anyway, that was the best part of the trip was that one Saturday we spent just fartin around in San Fran and the surrounding areas. So, if I ever go back to California it will be either 1: Disneyland or 2: San Fransisco. Nowhere else. Haha, I'm so picky!
On a parting note, since Dustin's wedding took place in the week that we would normally go on our annual camping trip and his 'Zona reception takes place as the same weekend when I could have gone to Havasupai, I am seriously lacking in the camping department and very much suffering for it. I need my camping fix now before I go completely insane! Working is fun and all, but I really, really to get up in those mountains and clear my head before school starts! It's looking as if that won't happen, That's really the only bad thing I can say about my life right now, so life is overall good!
Whew, some catch up! Props to you if you just read all that. :) Have a good weekend! Tomorrow's Friday! Rejoice!!!
We went to California last weekend for my big brother's wedding. Heather, his wife, is from Stockton, which is just over an hour from Oakland. They got married at the Oakland Temple, which was beautiful, and very cold and foggy! It was so wierd to be cold in the middle of July! The reception was way fun, the house we had it at had a zipline in the backyard, so everybody rode on it, including the new Mr. and Mrs. Clouse! Heather rode down it in her wedding dress, I think I like her! Haha, what a trooper, the poor girl was sick the whole reception, but she stuck it out! Oakland is not very far from the fabulous (as in, FaBuLoUs! , think, gay lisp. haha) San Fransisco, so after the newlyweds were off for their honeymoon, we hung out in San Fran the day after the wedding. And let me explain something here. I hate California. As in, I would rather go anywhere else for vacation. Me and my dad share the same opinion :) The traffic sucks, there's too many people, it's extremely crowded, the highways SUCK and are very confusing, the beaches in hawaii are better ( I know, spoiled!) and I'd much rather be in the mountains than the city, any day! But wait, there's a clarification. I may hate California with the fire of a thousand suns, BUT I LOVE San Fransisco!!! I know, I'm wierd. But San Fran was so fun! The redwood forest, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Bay, downtown San Fran, the cable cars (Not trolleys! haha, the conductor got upset that we called them the "t-word"), Ghiradelli's chocolate factory, Chinatown (LOVE!), and being with my cousin Kimri and her parents Uncle Russ and Aunt Shelle. So freaking fun!! We laughed way too much, so many stories that I can't even begin to tell, it would take too long, haha. Anyway, that was the best part of the trip was that one Saturday we spent just fartin around in San Fran and the surrounding areas. So, if I ever go back to California it will be either 1: Disneyland or 2: San Fransisco. Nowhere else. Haha, I'm so picky!
On a parting note, since Dustin's wedding took place in the week that we would normally go on our annual camping trip and his 'Zona reception takes place as the same weekend when I could have gone to Havasupai, I am seriously lacking in the camping department and very much suffering for it. I need my camping fix now before I go completely insane! Working is fun and all, but I really, really to get up in those mountains and clear my head before school starts! It's looking as if that won't happen, That's really the only bad thing I can say about my life right now, so life is overall good!
Whew, some catch up! Props to you if you just read all that. :) Have a good weekend! Tomorrow's Friday! Rejoice!!!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
two weeks til hawaii.....
....and I wish we were leaving NOW!
I've lived in Arizona my whole life, so I know how brutal the summers are. So why am I always surprised when it starts to get unbelievably hot? I should know better by now :)
This is why I am so excited for Hawaii! Even though it will still be warm there, at least it won't be suffocatingly hot. It's like you walk outside here and you feel like you can't breathe, it's so hot. Although I'm not gonna lie, because my work is always really cold, I kinda look forward to walking outside after work into the heat. I enjoy it for like a second. Haha.
Running update- my leg is still being stupid. I run like five steps and it throbs and I limp for an hour. Stupid!! I can barely jump on the diving board, it feels like my leg will collapse under me. The good news now is that I don't have an excuse to not work out with the people at work during lunch. The trainer at work is totally brutal, and he worked us so hard on Thursday that my arms are still sore four days later. I love being sore, so I'm not complaining! And I love working out. I figure four more weeks off of running and I should be back to normal. Hopefully! I should try barefoot running, except it's so hot that the soles of my feet would burn right off! Ugh! Maybe if I find a grassy field... and run circles. Ha ha.
Well, seeing how my marathon would have been in a week, I was supposed to go to Utah this coming weekend. Not anymore! I'm kinda sad, but I figure I shouldn't take off work because I'm already taking off so much for Hawaii. Everyone's gotta make sacrifices once in a while!
Have a good week!
I've lived in Arizona my whole life, so I know how brutal the summers are. So why am I always surprised when it starts to get unbelievably hot? I should know better by now :)
This is why I am so excited for Hawaii! Even though it will still be warm there, at least it won't be suffocatingly hot. It's like you walk outside here and you feel like you can't breathe, it's so hot. Although I'm not gonna lie, because my work is always really cold, I kinda look forward to walking outside after work into the heat. I enjoy it for like a second. Haha.
Running update- my leg is still being stupid. I run like five steps and it throbs and I limp for an hour. Stupid!! I can barely jump on the diving board, it feels like my leg will collapse under me. The good news now is that I don't have an excuse to not work out with the people at work during lunch. The trainer at work is totally brutal, and he worked us so hard on Thursday that my arms are still sore four days later. I love being sore, so I'm not complaining! And I love working out. I figure four more weeks off of running and I should be back to normal. Hopefully! I should try barefoot running, except it's so hot that the soles of my feet would burn right off! Ugh! Maybe if I find a grassy field... and run circles. Ha ha.
Well, seeing how my marathon would have been in a week, I was supposed to go to Utah this coming weekend. Not anymore! I'm kinda sad, but I figure I shouldn't take off work because I'm already taking off so much for Hawaii. Everyone's gotta make sacrifices once in a while!
Have a good week!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Crappity crap
So, for the last 14 weeks I have been training for my second marathon. And I'll admit I didn't work nearly as hard at training as I did for the last one. As a result, I am now crippled by injuries (just in my right leg, annoying!). The reason for this is because I would barely run during the week but I would never miss a long run on Saturdays. So, one Saturday I would run 8 miles, then the next I would run like 12 or 14. You can see how this would screw up my legs, it's like a shock to my muscles! So, naturally, my muscles rebelled and now I can barely go 5 miles with my entire right leg seizing up. Talk about crappy. Here I spend every Saturday for the last few months waking up at the butt crack of dawn and suffering through miles and miles of pavement, only to have to drop out with two weeks before the marathon. GAY! Luckily for me, I can defer the registration for the Utah Valley Marathon to next year, that way I don't lose any money (but it means I still have to do it, just next year. Gah!). And also luckily for me, I have the St George Marathon to look forward to in October. Here's my game plan:
Next four or five weeks. Work out like crazy, but little to no running whatsoever. I will swim, bike, do strength work, elliptical, stair stepper, ect. After or during Hawaii (YAY!) I will jump right back into running. Hopefully by then my legs will be strengthened and more well-rounded, and I will be able to hold up better against injury. Then I will continue to work out in addition to running. And then I will destroy the St George Marathon. Sweet!
So, I'm trying to keep a positive attitude about it. Actually, it's like a huge stress relief! I was getting pretty nervous about the race in two weeks because I knew my leg was not up to it. Although, I should have dropped out weeks ago! Oh well, hindsight is 20/20, as they say.
Now I will just look forward to Hawaii (so effing excited!) and it being summer and stuff. Also I am waiting for my new phone to come in the mail, and the wait is killing me! I bought the new Droid Incredible, and I'm thinking it will live up to it's name! Hopefully it will come before we leave for Hawaii so I can play with it on the beach and take pictures with its 8 megapixel camera. Yeah. 8. Most phones have 2. Oh man. This wait will be the death of me!
Hawaii in 3 WEEKS!!!!!
Next four or five weeks. Work out like crazy, but little to no running whatsoever. I will swim, bike, do strength work, elliptical, stair stepper, ect. After or during Hawaii (YAY!) I will jump right back into running. Hopefully by then my legs will be strengthened and more well-rounded, and I will be able to hold up better against injury. Then I will continue to work out in addition to running. And then I will destroy the St George Marathon. Sweet!
So, I'm trying to keep a positive attitude about it. Actually, it's like a huge stress relief! I was getting pretty nervous about the race in two weeks because I knew my leg was not up to it. Although, I should have dropped out weeks ago! Oh well, hindsight is 20/20, as they say.
Now I will just look forward to Hawaii (so effing excited!) and it being summer and stuff. Also I am waiting for my new phone to come in the mail, and the wait is killing me! I bought the new Droid Incredible, and I'm thinking it will live up to it's name! Hopefully it will come before we leave for Hawaii so I can play with it on the beach and take pictures with its 8 megapixel camera. Yeah. 8. Most phones have 2. Oh man. This wait will be the death of me!
Hawaii in 3 WEEKS!!!!!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
16 miles....yeesh!
You read that right...yesterday I ran 16 miles! I actually had fun, until the last two or three miles, when it really started to hurt. However, I didn't walk any of it, of which I am very proud of! The funny part is, I totally broke down and cried when I was done. Number one, I was hurting bad! My legs felt like someone filled them with lead. And number two, I was so glad I had finished! The day before I was feeling all down about myself and thinking I couldn't do the 16 miler, so when I actually finished, I couldn't help but cry tears of joy! Haha...imagine if someone had stopped and tried to talk to me, they would have thought I was psycho! And number was that horrid time of the month, so I'm sure the tears were also partly hormonal. Hahaha! I would....
Anyway, only 7 weeks until the big day. I'm way stoked because I know this time around I'm gonna rock it. I plan on shaving off an hour from my St George time, doing it in 5 hours instead of 6. If I do it, awesome. If I don't, not the end of the world because I'm doing St George again this year! Yay for marathons!
Me and my sister and momma did Pat's Run last week in Tempe. Let me just say it was CRAZY, over 21,000 people, so I was very surprised when I managed to shave off four minutes from last year. It was so crowded I swear I almost tripped like 10 times. It was so fun though, I had a blast. My mom and Savanna both did it in under an hour, which was way good for both of them! My mom loved it, she wants to pick up running now! Yay! I am definitely an advocate of that.
Welp, this coming weekend me and some friends are heading to California for some Six Flags, I am so so so excited because I definitely need a vacation! It seems like Mexico was so long ago...when it was only just over a month ago. Haha! Time flies, I guess! This week should be exciting, a friend comes home from his mission! Woo hoo! Also, my brother is engaged. Another woo hoo! Now I'll have another sister, and hopefully some nieces and nephews before long!! Haha that's what I'm most excited about :)
Have a good week!
Anyway, only 7 weeks until the big day. I'm way stoked because I know this time around I'm gonna rock it. I plan on shaving off an hour from my St George time, doing it in 5 hours instead of 6. If I do it, awesome. If I don't, not the end of the world because I'm doing St George again this year! Yay for marathons!
Me and my sister and momma did Pat's Run last week in Tempe. Let me just say it was CRAZY, over 21,000 people, so I was very surprised when I managed to shave off four minutes from last year. It was so crowded I swear I almost tripped like 10 times. It was so fun though, I had a blast. My mom and Savanna both did it in under an hour, which was way good for both of them! My mom loved it, she wants to pick up running now! Yay! I am definitely an advocate of that.
Welp, this coming weekend me and some friends are heading to California for some Six Flags, I am so so so excited because I definitely need a vacation! It seems like Mexico was so long ago...when it was only just over a month ago. Haha! Time flies, I guess! This week should be exciting, a friend comes home from his mission! Woo hoo! Also, my brother is engaged. Another woo hoo! Now I'll have another sister, and hopefully some nieces and nephews before long!! Haha that's what I'm most excited about :)
Have a good week!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
9 weeks til the big day!
Only 9 more weeks until my marathon! And that means only three more super long runs- 16, 18, and the big 20. I can do it! I did the 14 yesterday, I did okay, had to walk a little bit in the last miles, but that's because I didn't run very good last week. Its wierd how even missing one run, even if it's just a little 6 miler, can affect my run the next week. You'd think I would learn this by now! Haha.
Anyway, this week I joined a running group that I saw on Facebook for my Wednesday run. We did a really fun hills run at Freestone, and I will definitely be joining them every week! They were so nice to me, welcomed me in like one of their own. The funny thing is, they are all way more hard core than I am...and most of them are older than 45. Some of them are in their 60's. Gotta love those older runners, even if they kick my butt every time! They all do several ultras and marathons a year, which is awesome. They might convince me to do an ultra eventually. (An ultra is any distance over a marathon, eek!).
Well, not much else new going on here. I am still working at Rehab Arizona, basically the most fun job ever. I love it! I couldn't imagine going to a job every morning at 7 that I didn't enjoy. That would suck. I dont mind the early mornings, because I get nap time in the afternoon. :) haha! I'm looking forward to Hawaii this summer (a week after my marathon! what better way to relax?), Mexico, Havasupai, camping, and many many kayaking trips. It's gonna be sweet. Hopefully a man will be thrown into that mix soon, I'm sick of being the only single person around here! But, all my guy friends come home from their missions this summer, which will make it even better! YAY!!!
Have a fabulous Sunday!
Anyway, this week I joined a running group that I saw on Facebook for my Wednesday run. We did a really fun hills run at Freestone, and I will definitely be joining them every week! They were so nice to me, welcomed me in like one of their own. The funny thing is, they are all way more hard core than I am...and most of them are older than 45. Some of them are in their 60's. Gotta love those older runners, even if they kick my butt every time! They all do several ultras and marathons a year, which is awesome. They might convince me to do an ultra eventually. (An ultra is any distance over a marathon, eek!).
Well, not much else new going on here. I am still working at Rehab Arizona, basically the most fun job ever. I love it! I couldn't imagine going to a job every morning at 7 that I didn't enjoy. That would suck. I dont mind the early mornings, because I get nap time in the afternoon. :) haha! I'm looking forward to Hawaii this summer (a week after my marathon! what better way to relax?), Mexico, Havasupai, camping, and many many kayaking trips. It's gonna be sweet. Hopefully a man will be thrown into that mix soon, I'm sick of being the only single person around here! But, all my guy friends come home from their missions this summer, which will make it even better! YAY!!!
Have a fabulous Sunday!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
12 miles....and Mexico
So, I did my 12 miler yesterday. It was actually a really good run, almost as good as my 9 miler a couple weeks ago. I'm surprised I was able to finish it without walking any of it, seeing how I missed the 10 miler since I was in Mexico last weekend. But I'm a trooper! Also, best part of the run was helping out this little kid at Freestone who was in a wheelchair. He wanted to go down the hill to where his friends were playing, and as I came up on him his friends were attempting to get him down. They were pretty little and I didn't want them to get hurt trying to wheel the little boy down the hill so I stopped and helped. He seemed really happy when we got him to the bottom. All I have to wonder is how did he get back to the top? haha. Also, where were his parents? I'm assuming they were watching another child play soccer or something (there were lots of games going on) and trusted that his friends would take care of him. Honestly, good for them for letting him be more independent! If I was in a wheelchair (knock on wood that it NEVER happens) I wouldn't want to be babied. Anyway, that was my little service for the day, made the rest of my run much easier. Of course, I had already gone about 8 miles so I still had four more to go....but still.
Mexico last weekend was AH-MAZING! I never wanted to leave. We didn't go to Rocky Point, instead we went to a little place called El Golfo. It's a small town about 60 or 70 miles up the beach from R.P. (although northwest of RP because the bay curves towards the west). It was waaaaaaayyyy better than rocky point. No crowds, and I didn't get asked to buy anything the entire time! It was so nice not to have to say "no gracias" all day. Getting there was pretty crazy, we camped with 5 or 6 other families on the beach. We had to let most of the air out of the tires on all the trucks and trailers, and even then we managed to get stuck a couple times. However, it wasn't that bad. We eventually made it to the campsite, which was a harrowing 5 miles down the beach from El Golfo. So we had like miles on both sides of beach to ourselves!! Amazing. We had the quads and plenty of dunes behind us to ride them on. We also had kayaks, which offered me the most amazing experience. The last night we were there, right after sundown, we saw a ton of dolphins out in the water. We had seen dolphins before but they were always in pairs and way too far out to kayak to. These ones were closer only because the tide was way out, so there was less water between us and the deep water they were in. So, even though it was quickly getting dark, me and this other girl grabbed the kayaks and ran out there. Then we booked it in the kayaks until we got close to dolphins. It was sooooo cool! There was at least 2 dozen of them, probably more, and they were curious about us. They would only get within 20 feet of our boats, but they would circle around us, go underneath us, and basically scare the bejeezus out of us! Haha. They would all disapear for a minute or so, then we could hear their high-pitched squeaking right underneath us, and then they would make us jump by loudly blowing air only 20 feet away from us. So awesome. Then, we got kind of scared because we didn't realize how far we had gone out there, and it was pretty much dark, so we headed back. And would you believe it? Those dolphins followed us back to shore for more than 3/4 of the way! It was like they were Jaws, I would look back and just see fins follwing us. Haha. There were people waiting for us on the beach, they were worried because they had heard us screaming (those dolphins made me scream everytime they came up for air! haha) and they couldn't really see us. Of course we were fine, and very excited! I can cross that one off my bucket list now!
Coming back from Mexico was a nightmare, we got stopped at a couple checkpoints and then had to wait 3 hours at the border. Which wasn't too bad because we could get out and walk around, but it was just time consuming and made us get home really late. Anyway, even with that whole fiasco, it was still one of the most amazing trips I have ever been on. I really hope it becomes an annual thing!!!
My training for this marathon has been way better than my training for St George last year. Probably because of my GPS watch, because now I know exact mileage on my long runs instead of just guessing (and probably being wrong). I feel in much better shape this time around, and I am able to keep a faster pace on my long runs than before. I am very very excited for the marathon in June. It's in Provo, the weather will be great, I'll probably be able to see some friends and my brother, and I just miss Utah! Never thought I'd say that :) haha
Only ten or 11 more weeks! Woo hoo!
Mexico last weekend was AH-MAZING! I never wanted to leave. We didn't go to Rocky Point, instead we went to a little place called El Golfo. It's a small town about 60 or 70 miles up the beach from R.P. (although northwest of RP because the bay curves towards the west). It was waaaaaaayyyy better than rocky point. No crowds, and I didn't get asked to buy anything the entire time! It was so nice not to have to say "no gracias" all day. Getting there was pretty crazy, we camped with 5 or 6 other families on the beach. We had to let most of the air out of the tires on all the trucks and trailers, and even then we managed to get stuck a couple times. However, it wasn't that bad. We eventually made it to the campsite, which was a harrowing 5 miles down the beach from El Golfo. So we had like miles on both sides of beach to ourselves!! Amazing. We had the quads and plenty of dunes behind us to ride them on. We also had kayaks, which offered me the most amazing experience. The last night we were there, right after sundown, we saw a ton of dolphins out in the water. We had seen dolphins before but they were always in pairs and way too far out to kayak to. These ones were closer only because the tide was way out, so there was less water between us and the deep water they were in. So, even though it was quickly getting dark, me and this other girl grabbed the kayaks and ran out there. Then we booked it in the kayaks until we got close to dolphins. It was sooooo cool! There was at least 2 dozen of them, probably more, and they were curious about us. They would only get within 20 feet of our boats, but they would circle around us, go underneath us, and basically scare the bejeezus out of us! Haha. They would all disapear for a minute or so, then we could hear their high-pitched squeaking right underneath us, and then they would make us jump by loudly blowing air only 20 feet away from us. So awesome. Then, we got kind of scared because we didn't realize how far we had gone out there, and it was pretty much dark, so we headed back. And would you believe it? Those dolphins followed us back to shore for more than 3/4 of the way! It was like they were Jaws, I would look back and just see fins follwing us. Haha. There were people waiting for us on the beach, they were worried because they had heard us screaming (those dolphins made me scream everytime they came up for air! haha) and they couldn't really see us. Of course we were fine, and very excited! I can cross that one off my bucket list now!
Coming back from Mexico was a nightmare, we got stopped at a couple checkpoints and then had to wait 3 hours at the border. Which wasn't too bad because we could get out and walk around, but it was just time consuming and made us get home really late. Anyway, even with that whole fiasco, it was still one of the most amazing trips I have ever been on. I really hope it becomes an annual thing!!!
My training for this marathon has been way better than my training for St George last year. Probably because of my GPS watch, because now I know exact mileage on my long runs instead of just guessing (and probably being wrong). I feel in much better shape this time around, and I am able to keep a faster pace on my long runs than before. I am very very excited for the marathon in June. It's in Provo, the weather will be great, I'll probably be able to see some friends and my brother, and I just miss Utah! Never thought I'd say that :) haha
Only ten or 11 more weeks! Woo hoo!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
"And totally redeemed yourself!"
In case you were wondering, that quote is from Dumb and Dumber. Definitely a top 5 movie.
And the reason I quote it is because I really did redeem myself today. On my running schedule it called for 6 miles, because I was supposed to have done 9 last week. Which I didn't/couldn't. So, today I decided to run the 9 miles for reals this time. And let me tell you what, I totally nailed it! It goes on my list of top 10 runs, for sure. I figured out a little strategy. Instead of looking right at the ground in front of me or even looking out as far ahead of me as I can see, I decided to focus my eyes on the ground about 30 to 40 feet in front of me. I don't know why, but this made a world of difference! I ran the entire 9 miles without walking, only stopping twice to fill up my water bottle at freestone park. It was a night and day difference from last weeks attempt. And it made me feel great! Since I'll be missing my run next Saturday (I'll be in Mexico!) it was really important to have a super good run today. What also made the difference was running consistently throughout the week. I did several great workouts, however I ate like crap this week (again!) so I feel all bloated and gross (ugh! TMI!) but this week I should do better. Hopefully. Mexico can make you kinda gassy. hahaha!! Welp, I'm definitely looking forward to working only 2 days this week, it's gonna be a good one!
(I don't know Spanish, I just pretend)
And the reason I quote it is because I really did redeem myself today. On my running schedule it called for 6 miles, because I was supposed to have done 9 last week. Which I didn't/couldn't. So, today I decided to run the 9 miles for reals this time. And let me tell you what, I totally nailed it! It goes on my list of top 10 runs, for sure. I figured out a little strategy. Instead of looking right at the ground in front of me or even looking out as far ahead of me as I can see, I decided to focus my eyes on the ground about 30 to 40 feet in front of me. I don't know why, but this made a world of difference! I ran the entire 9 miles without walking, only stopping twice to fill up my water bottle at freestone park. It was a night and day difference from last weeks attempt. And it made me feel great! Since I'll be missing my run next Saturday (I'll be in Mexico!) it was really important to have a super good run today. What also made the difference was running consistently throughout the week. I did several great workouts, however I ate like crap this week (again!) so I feel all bloated and gross (ugh! TMI!) but this week I should do better. Hopefully. Mexico can make you kinda gassy. hahaha!! Welp, I'm definitely looking forward to working only 2 days this week, it's gonna be a good one!
(I don't know Spanish, I just pretend)
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Lessons learned...
So yesterday I set out for a 9 mile run, because my schedule told me to. I set out to do this after having not run for 10 days AND having taken my very first cycling class the day before. So, long story short, the 9 mile run ended up being a 4.5 mile run wuth 4.5 miles of walking. Still, I went the distance! (cue Hercules music)
But, let me say a little something about the cycling class I took at LA Fitness (my gym). Imagine your legs on fire for a full hour, imagine sweating so much that you have to drink 2 full water bottles worth of water, imagine wanting to throw up several times during said hour, imagine wanting to quit half way through, imagine your hardest workout EVER....yeah, that was the cycling class I took on Friday. Needless to say, in spite of all this, it will definitely be a weekly thing! However, not on Friday, most likely on Tuesdays only because I think thats the reason my long run went so horribly, is because my legs were already exhausted before I even began running. Not good! And very miserable.
Also, the whole "not running for 10 days" thing....I went to Mexico last weekend. It was fun, but could have been even more so had the weather not been so abysmal. Anyway, I came back from Mexico having eaten good yet crappy food all weekend, and it like set the tone for my while week. I ate like crap and didn't exercise once except for a short bike ride on Tuesday. But now I know what that does to my long runs on Saturdays, so from here on out I am on a very set and strict schedule! I'm excited for the marathon, I think it'll come up way faster than I want, though! I finally registered for it last week, so now I am dedicated. Also, I have a driving buddy for the trip up there, so that's exciting. Welp, have a good Sunday, I know I will! Peace....
But, let me say a little something about the cycling class I took at LA Fitness (my gym). Imagine your legs on fire for a full hour, imagine sweating so much that you have to drink 2 full water bottles worth of water, imagine wanting to throw up several times during said hour, imagine wanting to quit half way through, imagine your hardest workout EVER....yeah, that was the cycling class I took on Friday. Needless to say, in spite of all this, it will definitely be a weekly thing! However, not on Friday, most likely on Tuesdays only because I think thats the reason my long run went so horribly, is because my legs were already exhausted before I even began running. Not good! And very miserable.
Also, the whole "not running for 10 days" thing....I went to Mexico last weekend. It was fun, but could have been even more so had the weather not been so abysmal. Anyway, I came back from Mexico having eaten good yet crappy food all weekend, and it like set the tone for my while week. I ate like crap and didn't exercise once except for a short bike ride on Tuesday. But now I know what that does to my long runs on Saturdays, so from here on out I am on a very set and strict schedule! I'm excited for the marathon, I think it'll come up way faster than I want, though! I finally registered for it last week, so now I am dedicated. Also, I have a driving buddy for the trip up there, so that's exciting. Welp, have a good Sunday, I know I will! Peace....
Sunday, February 14, 2010
And so it begins....
16 weeks of misery, tears, pain, soreness, blisters, sunburns, crankiness, exhaustion......
yup. Marathon training begins again tomorrow.
You might be asking, why do I do this to myself?
Honestly? I don't even have an answer to that!! Haha
Happy Valentine's Day!
yup. Marathon training begins again tomorrow.
You might be asking, why do I do this to myself?
Honestly? I don't even have an answer to that!! Haha
Happy Valentine's Day!
16 weeks from this Saturday, I'll be running the Utah Valley Marathon in Provo, UT!
Friday, February 5, 2010
~London's Run~
Last weekend I did London's Run for the second time. I really like this race, because it is out at Schnepf Farms and the atmosphere is so fun! This year they had a little problem on the course because of the mud created by the huge rainstorm we had a couple weeks ago. So I guess they changed the course at the last minute, but not all of the volunteers were sure which way we were supposed to go. So I'm running along, getting a great time (because of my amazing Garmin!) and all of a sudden I come to a sign that says "Mile 5". And I'm like, wait a second, I don't even remember seeing a "Mile 4' sign! So I look at my watch, and sure enough it says I have gone 4.3 miles. About half a mile back there was a "T" in the road, some people were going to the right for a little out-and-back stretch but the volunteer guy was yelling at them to come back and yelling at us to go left. I am thinking that that little out-and-back that some people did was the .7 mile that I was missing! And, around mile 5 (according to my watch) all of a sudden there was a big group of fellow 10K runners that came out of nowhere and joined up with us, which I was really confused about. I didn't bother asking them where they came from because now I knew that the course was messed up. Also it didn't help that the 10K and half-marathon runners joined up at several points on the course! Crazy!
All in all, I only ran 5.5 miles when it was supposed to be 6.2! I told people afterwards, "I feel cheated. And I feel like I cheated." haha! Plus, I'm not complaining about the 1-hour 10K time on my record now...although I probably won't count it among my PR's. That would be cheating.
To make up for all of this, I am running another 10K on the 20th. I think I can get a pretty good time on this one, and hopefully their course will be more organized. It's at Las Sendas, which is a uber nice neighborhood in North Mesa. Looking forward to it!
All in all, I only ran 5.5 miles when it was supposed to be 6.2! I told people afterwards, "I feel cheated. And I feel like I cheated." haha! Plus, I'm not complaining about the 1-hour 10K time on my record now...although I probably won't count it among my PR's. That would be cheating.
To make up for all of this, I am running another 10K on the 20th. I think I can get a pretty good time on this one, and hopefully their course will be more organized. It's at Las Sendas, which is a uber nice neighborhood in North Mesa. Looking forward to it!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Can I get a holla?!
I've lost 5 pounds!! Now only 10 more to my goal, I am pretty sure I can do it!!
My secret? Eat less, but eat more of the good stuff. Make sense? Also, get at least 5 days of exercise in. I usually take Fridays and Saturdays off. My pilates class is kicking my butt (literally!!) and then two days at the gym on the treadmill and weights, and then Saturdays I do long runs. This Saturday is London's Run, I'm soooo excited because it was my first real race last year, so it'll be fun to revisit it and reminisce over the last year. Hopefully I can beat my time, but I doubt it. For some reason I am slower now than I was a year ago. I think it might be because of all those long, slow miles I did during marathon training. I've been doing lots of speedwork lately, so hopefully my pace will pick up! I'm predicting a 1hour 10minute finish. We'll see! Hopefully with the help of my Garmin I can keep up a good pace throughout.
Future races- I think I am going to do either the Utah Valley Half OR Full marathon in June. It all depends on whether I get into St George again, which I am really really hoping I do! I won't know until May, though. Also, another prospect is taking a trip up to Logan for a couple of days and doing the Bear Lake half or full. I would LOVE to visit Logan, I haven't been back since I left in 2008. So, it's been way too long. I'm still excited, for whatever I decide to do!
It finally feels like my life is getting in order. I have a wonderful new job, my social life is looking up, school should be easy this semester, basically life can't get any better! could. If I had a boyfriend. hahaha!! Other than that, perfect!
My secret? Eat less, but eat more of the good stuff. Make sense? Also, get at least 5 days of exercise in. I usually take Fridays and Saturdays off. My pilates class is kicking my butt (literally!!) and then two days at the gym on the treadmill and weights, and then Saturdays I do long runs. This Saturday is London's Run, I'm soooo excited because it was my first real race last year, so it'll be fun to revisit it and reminisce over the last year. Hopefully I can beat my time, but I doubt it. For some reason I am slower now than I was a year ago. I think it might be because of all those long, slow miles I did during marathon training. I've been doing lots of speedwork lately, so hopefully my pace will pick up! I'm predicting a 1hour 10minute finish. We'll see! Hopefully with the help of my Garmin I can keep up a good pace throughout.
Future races- I think I am going to do either the Utah Valley Half OR Full marathon in June. It all depends on whether I get into St George again, which I am really really hoping I do! I won't know until May, though. Also, another prospect is taking a trip up to Logan for a couple of days and doing the Bear Lake half or full. I would LOVE to visit Logan, I haven't been back since I left in 2008. So, it's been way too long. I'm still excited, for whatever I decide to do!
It finally feels like my life is getting in order. I have a wonderful new job, my social life is looking up, school should be easy this semester, basically life can't get any better! could. If I had a boyfriend. hahaha!! Other than that, perfect!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
My best friend.....
Meet my best friend.
It's a watch, but not just any watch.
It's my Garmin Forerunner 405.
I seriously cannot get enough of this thing!!

That's all.
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