Monday, November 9, 2009

Can't wait for Thanksgiving!

First of all, because I am pretty sure I will be running that 10K Thanksgiving morning. I ran 4 miles tonight and it felt amazing, and I even kept a fairly good pace throughout the whole thing. I need another event to run so that I don't get lazy!

Second of all, the food. Duh. I honestly don't know how people can eat oven-cooked turkey. It is, quite frankly, like trying to eat cardboard. Dry and tasteless. Now, pit-roasted mouth is watering just thinking about it. Pure juicy goodness straight from heaven (or hell? since it comes from underground?). Also, besides turkey, we also roast some buffalo roast and pork roast. Now you can see why our Thanksgivings are better than yours.

Third of all, being with friends and family. This year is our "anti-family" Thanksgiving, and we're having a couple families from our ward and neighborhood over for the day. Way fun!!

Fourth of all, I get to go on my first bull hunt ever!! The day after Thanksgiving we are heading up to unit 23, and I swear I will not leave that place, nay, I will not sleep (comfortably) or eat (a lot) until I find the biggest bull in that forest and take it down with my bare hands (a.k.a. my rifle). The elk have been warned. I am coming!

Fifthly, after Thanksgiving comes Christmas. And with Christmas comes Christmas music. And cold weather. And happiness. And cute winter clothes. I have been trying my hardest not to ruin the Christmas music by listening to too much too soon, just a little bit here and there. Since August :). Can't help it! I love Christmas music way too much.

Anyway, this month is turning out to be crazy! But I like being busy much more than being...not busy. AND...I might get a full-time job soon!!! Well, between now and January I am getting interview and I desperately need this job so PRAY for me!! Thanks! :)


Monday, November 2, 2009

Feels like forever...

It seriously feels like forever since I last went running. In reality, it's been like, a week and a half. I think tonight I'm going to try again. After all, I still want to do that turkey trot on Thanksgiving, and I can't run a 10K if I'm not prepared.

Anywho, I am so glad it is finally FALL! Although October was really hot in the beginning then really cold towards the end, I think I'd rather have the cold any day. Hopefully November doesn't heat up again. I'd be pretty ticked if it did.

Halloween was kind of fun. I am very anti dressing up, but I have a friend who also didn't dress up so I don't feel dumb. Anyway, before we went to the YSA party we went to a haunted house that was going on right behind my house. It was so fun and scary! The worst part was when people would jump out at me. And then at the end, if you run out there is a chain saw guy and he will chase you for a bit and rev up the chain saw right behind you. Yeah, I screamed. And ran, then screamed even more. It was a blast.

The single adult party at the stake center was pretty fun, actually the only fun part was seeing how creative everyone got with their costumes. I saw Nacho Libre and his friend walking around shirtless. I can't even name all of the costumes that I saw, but the Nacho one stood out because I almost got touched by "Jack Black's" naked stomach. Ugh.
The rest of the night wasn't too interesting. So I'm not even gonna bother. But that's how I like my Halloween, which in my opinion is the most pointless holiday ever. Let's dress up like buffoons, eat a bunch of candy and get fat. Sounds like a typical American holiday to me! Haha!

Welp, we are now into my favorite time of the year. Thanksgiving and Christmas!!! I LOVE this time of year. Especially the weather. It's mostly awesome because now if I want to go running or go on a bike ride, I don't have to wake up obscenely early or wait until it gets dark. Love it!!